Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 4, 2017

Factors of Production 

  1. Land
  2. Labor 
  3. Capital (Human capital & Physical capital)
  4. Entrepreneurship 
What is Land?
  • It is natural resources.
What is Labor?
  • It is work being exerted.
What is Human Capital?
  • It is when people acquire skills & knowledge through experience & education.
What is Physical Capital?
  • It is money, tools, buildings, equipment, & machinery.
What is Entrepreneurship?
  • In order to become an entrepreneur one must:
    • Take risks.
    • Innovate.
What are Tradeoffs?
  • It is an alternative that we sacrifice when we make a decision. 
    • Scarcity leads to tradeoff 
    • Ex: A farmer who plants tomato in one spot can't produce corn in same spot. 
What is Opportunity?
  • It is the most desirable alternative giving up as the result of a decision.
    • It is a type of trade off.
What is Guns or Butter?
  • It is a phrase referring to trade offs that the government makes when choosing whether to produce more or less military or consumer goods. 
What is thinking at the margins?
  • It is deciding whether to add or subtract one additional unit of some resources.
What is a Production Possibilities Graph?
  • It is a graph that shows alternative ways to use economy recourses.
    • Straight/Curved
What are the 4 key assumptions?
  1. Only two goods can be produced.
  2. Full employment of resources. 
  3. Fixed resources (Factors of Production)
  4. Fixed technology 
What is Efficiency?
  • It is the using of resources in such way to maximize production for goods and services.
    • Increase profit.
What is Underutilization?
  • It is the opposite of efficiency using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using.
    • Decrease profit.

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