Monday, February 13, 2017

February 09, 2017

 Unemployment Notes:

 What is unemployment? 
  •  It is the percent of people in labor force who want a job but are not working. 
 What is the labor force? 
  •  It is the number of people in a country that are either classified as either employed or unemployed. 
 What is employed?
  1.  It is anybody that works at least one hour a month. 
  2.  Someone who is temporarily absent from work. 
  3.  Part-time people  
 Who is not in the labor force? 
  1.  Kids. 
  2.  Full-time students 
  3.  People in mental situations 
  4.  Military personal 
  5.  Stay home moms and dads 
  6.  Retirees 
  7.  People incarcerated 
  8.  Discouraged workers  
 Unemployment rate calculations? 
  • #  of employed / # of  Labor force x 100
 What is the standard unemployment rate?
  • 4% - 5%
 What are four types of unemployment? 
  1.  Frictional  unemployment. 
  2.  Seasonal unemployment 
  3.  Directional  unemployment 
  4.  Cyclical unemployment
 What is NRU? 
  • Fictional plus structural equals NRU (4% - 5% ) 
 What  does full employment exclude? 
  • No cyclical  unemployment 
 What is Okun's law?
  • It is one unemployment rises 1% above natural rate of GDP falls about 2% 

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