Thursday, February 9, 2017

January 27, 2017


What is GDP?
  • It is the total value of all goods & services produced within a country's borders in a given year.
    • All production within U.S.A by U.S.A & foreign producers.
    • Excludes production outside of the U.S.A even by americans. 
What is GNP
  • It is the total value of all U.S 
    • Includes production or income earned by Americans
    • Excludes productions by non-americans
What is the formula for GDP?
  • C+IG+G+XN
What is Consumption?
  • It is the final goods & services being purchased. 
    • 67% of the economy
What is Gross Private Domestic Investment?
  • 17% of the economy 
    • Ex: construction of new housing, factoring, factory equipment maintenance unsold inventory.
What is Government Spending?
  • 18% of the economy 
    • Ex: School buses, guns, and highway
What are Net Exports?
  • -2% of the economy, we import more than we export. 
  • To find Net Export: (Export-Import)
What is Included in GDP?

  1. C
  2. Ig
  3. G
  4. Xn
What is Excluded in GDP?
  1. Intermediate Goods (avoid double or multiple counting)
  2. Used or 2nd hand Goods (avoid double counting) 
  3. Unreported Business Activities (TIPS) 
  4. Stocks & Bonds (purely transaction, nothing is being produced.)
  5. Nonmarket activities (volunteer work) 
  6. Illegal activities (Prostitution & Drugs) 
  7. Gifts or Transfer payments ( Scholarships, Social Security, Unemployment, Retirement. No production, put aside/ Not for now.)

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