Monday, March 6, 2017

February 16, 2017

 Interest rates and Investment demand notes 

 What is investment?

  • Money spent or expenditures on 
    • New plants (factories) 
    • Capital equipment (machinery)
    • Technology ( hardware and software )
    • New homes 
    • Inventories (  good sold by producer ) 

 What is expected rate of return?

  •  How does business make investment decisions? 
    • Cost/benefit analysis 
  • How does businesses determine the benefits? 
    • Expected rate of return
  • How does businesses count the cost?
    • Interest costs 
  • Determine amount of investment they undertake?
    • Compare expected rate of return to interest cost 
      • If expected return >  interest cost, then invest 
      • If expected return <  interest cost, then don't invest 

r% = I% - π%

r = Real

I = Nominal

π = Inflation

What determines the cost of an investment decision?

  • The real interest rate (r%)

What is the Investment Demand Curve?

  • What is the shape of the investment demand curve?
    • Downward sloping
  • Why?
    • When Interest increases, fewer investments are profitable; When Interest rates decreases, more investments are profitable

What is the shift in Investment Demand?

  • Cost of production
  •  Business Taxes
  • Technological change
  • Stock of Capital
  • Expectations

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