Wednesday, March 8, 2017

February 23, 2017

Consumption & Saving Notes 

What is disposable income?

  • Income after taxes or net income
  • DI = Gross Income - Taxes 
2 choices

  • With disposable income, households can either 
  • Consume ( Spend money on goods & services )
  •  Save ( not spend money on goods & services ) 
what is consumption?

  •  Household spending 
  • He ability to consume is constrained by 
  • -the amount of disposable income 
  • - the propensity to save 
  • Do households consume if DI = 0? 
  • -autonomous consumption 
  • - dissaving
What is saving? 

  • Household NOT spending 
  • The ability to save is constrained by 
  • -amount of disposable income 
  • -the propensity to consume 
  • Do households save if D1=0?
  • -no

How to calculate APC & APS
  • APC + APS = 1 
  • 1 - APC = APS
  • 1 - APS = APC 
  • APC > 1 = Dissaving 
  • ( - ) APS = Dissaving
What is MPC & MPS? 
  • MPC 
    • change consumption / change D1
    • % of every extra dollar earned that is spent 
  • MPS 
    • change in s / change in D
    • % of every extra dollar earned that is caved 
  • MPC + MPS = 1 
  • 1 - MPC  =  MPS 
  • 1 - MPS = MPC 
What are the determinants of consumption & saving?

  1. Wealth
  2. Expectations 
  3. Household debt 
  4. Taxes 
Reasons why prices tend to be inflexible or "sticky" in a downward direction?

  1. Menu cost 
  2. Wage Contracts
  3. Minimum wage 
  4. Fear of Price War 
  5. Morale effort & productivity 

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