Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 19, 2017

Equilibrium Notes 

What is Equilibrium

  • It is a point at which the supply curve intersect with demand curve? 
    • (When demand & supply meet = Equilibrium) 

What is Excess Demand?

  • It is when Quantity demanded is greater than Quantity supplied  -> Results in shortage 
    •  consumers can not get quantity of items they want  
    • QD>QS
What is the price ceiling?

  • It creates shortage 
  • It is when government puts legal limit on how high the price of a product can be. 
    • Ex: gov. sets price ceiling on flu shots & rent control 

What is Excess supply?

  • It is when quantity supplied is greater than quantity demand -> results in surplus 
    • Producers have inventory they can't get rid of. 

What is price floor?

  • It is the lowest legal price a commodity can be sold at. 
    • Prevents prices from becoming too low 
    • Ex: minimum wage 

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