Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 11, 2017

 Elasticity of Demand Notes

What is elasticity of demand?

  •  It is the measure of how consumers act to a change in price.
What is elastic demand?

  •  It is a demand that is very sensitive to a change in price. 
    • Product is not a necessity 
    • There are available substitutes 
    •  Ex:  steak, fur coats, and soda 
    • E>1
 What is inelastic demand? 

  •  It is the man that is not very sensitive to change in price. 
    • Product is a necessity 
    • Few to no substitutes
    •  Ex: Gas & Insulin
    • E<1

What is Unitary Elastic?

  • It is the demand for a good if a change in the price of that good causes an equal change in quantity demanded. 
    • E=1

How to calculate PED?

  • Step 1: Quantity 
New Quantity - Old Quantity 
          Old Quantity

  • Step 2: Price
New Price - Old Price 
          Old Price

  • Step 3: PED
  % change in Quantity
    % change in Price

What is Total Revenue?

  • It is the total amount of money a firm receives from selling goods & services. 
How to calculate Total Revenue? 

Total Revenue = Price x Quantity 

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