Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 9, 2017

Review for Quiz

What are the four factors of production? 
  1. Land 
  2. Labor 
  3. Capital 
  4. Entrepreneurship

What is the difference between Norman Opinion & Positive Economics?
  • Norman-  It is the attempt to prescribe how the world should be. 
  •  Positive economics-  It is the attempt to describe the world as it is. 

What is the difference between scarcity and shortage?
  • Scarcity- It is the unlimited want but limited resources. 
  • Shortage- It is when quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied  

Difference between trade off and opportunity?
  •  Trade off-  It is  the alternative that we sacrifice when we make a decision. 
  •  Opportunity cost- It is the most desirable alternative giving up as a result of a decision. 
 How to calculate opportunity cost? 

What is the law of increasing opportunity cost?

  •  As production increases the opportunity cost increases.

* know the points of the graphs*

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